Saturday, October 20, 2012

Creating shade

The leaves are finally starting to really change color here.  It's an amazingly glorious show by Mother Nature... Like the landscape has caught fire.  Maybe it's a last consolation prize before the austerity of winter.

Glad to be back with Sunday Sketches this week!  


  1. Fabulous work. I like to see imaginative ways of doing lettering:)

  2. Love the lettering, brilliant job. The leaves here are staring to change but it's been raining for days...can't wait for the sun to make an appearance again, so I can appreciate the colours.. :)

  3. Nice work .. That's some kinda Alphabetical thing to look at. Impressive.
    Take a look on mine

  4. Watercolor paint? The color's nice and smooth like marker.

  5. I love your description of autumn as a consolation prize - just perfect. They are very colourful here too and seemingly constantly falling.

  6. such a charming piece
    we have had a colorful autumn and this morning i wake to our first snow! not much, but it has been a long time since the earth was covered with the white stuff.

  7. beautful work, love the cool lettering!

  8. Love your lettering and the colours

  9. your lettering freaks me out with how good it is and how interesting you make it... we are losing spring leaves here... weird I know but our only deciduous trees all lose their leaves now... I have a house full of the fine leaves of our leopard tree courtesy of Mushu the wonder mutt... driving me nuts... but soon I will have all the shade to look forward to... which will make it worth while and will remind me of your quote...xx

  10. This creation is delightful ~ so colorful and beautiful ~ Wow! ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  11. nice painting, we had a lovely day here today!

  12. wonderful quote and I just love the way you illustrated it!


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