Sunday, November 11, 2012

Dream state

My night time dreams-- when I manage to get enough sleep to actually fall into a dream state-- always end up being completely surreal.  People from various times and places in my life will come together in one place and form friendships and hang out at my parents house and come over for barbecues with our neighbors-- neighbors that we don't even know when we're awake. 

Sometimes, as my alarm is waking me up, I want to shut it down just so that I can stay in this surreal, imagined dream world and see where things go next.  As I wake up, I wish I could accurately capture it all, because I'm quite sure that it would make for a brilliant, harry potter-esque novel.... or maybe there's a reason why those dreams slip away so easily! 

Hope everyone else is having fun in their dreams!  Linking to Sunday Sketches and AEDM #11.


  1. Lovely journal page ~ colorful and creative and love the words ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  2. Beautiful page, love the concept and coloring!

  3. Love the colours and the words, dreams are so precious

  4. Gorgeous colours and lettering, more ally love this expression of your sleep! The white highlights are a genius idea.

  5. that is amazing in its colours... and love your lettering as always... I never dream... or maybe i just never remember them... however I love to day dream... does that count???

  6. Love the journal page :) I have a veterinary practice of my own in my dreams. I see all sorts of animals in my dreams!


  7. Beautiful page! Your leaves above are gorgeous, too. I'm with you on not liking that alarm to interrupt my dreams.


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