Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas tags

One of my favorite things about the holidays is finding the perfect gifts for everyone... but I'm always most excited about shopping for the kids.  I have to admit, we go a little crazy when shopping for the nieces and nephews!  And, when we can't be with them for Christmas, I refuse to let Amazon just ship the gifts off.  I like putting together packages with handmade tags with little notes.   Here are a few of the tags I made for the kids packages:


  1. You have such beautiful handwriting! Love it!

  2. Great Christmas tags! Merry Christmas! xx

  3. Your tags are fabulous! I would save and cherish the tag if it were on my present. Happy Holidays!

  4. Wonderful writing! Live those tags. Who doesn't like shopping for gifts? :))

  5. Those tags are wonderful! What a great idea!

    I do love shopping for gifts, but finding the last few for hard-to-please boyfriends and boyfriend's parents? A bit nerve wracking!

  6. Gosh what great idea, never thought of doing this before. Wishing you a very festive Xmas and a happy and arty 2013.

  7. These are just great! If it was me getting those I would save the tags forever! Merry Christmas! :)


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