Sunday, December 30, 2012

What do you want for 2013?

This is a question I've been pondering lately.   I'm not sure I really believe in New YEAR resolutions.  I've found that in order to make something stick, I really need to resolve at least by the day, sometimes by the hours, often by the minute! 

As part of considering what I want to accomplish during 2013, I have been thinking that maybe it's not so much about what I want to ACCOMPLISH as what I want to focus on.  As I've contemplated, I realized that when I look back, sometimes my periods of greatest growth are during the times when I'm not trying to accomplish something specific but am just open to trying new things and to exploring new ideas.

So, with that in mind, I'm contemplating several concepts or ideas that I want to keep as a focus for 2013.  More on that in the new year....

Hope everyone's gearing up for a fantastic New Year's Eve!

Linking to Sunday Sketches...



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